Brother Mike Ministries
The many days of Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011!
ETERNAL LIFE: No Longer Possible!!
Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil: and a wise man's heart discerns [will know] both time and judgment - Ec. 8:5
May 21, 2011 began Judgment Day!
May 21, 2011
, many were expecting the beginning of God's judgment on this world, but nothing apparently happened . . . or did it? Indeed, Judgment Day, which consists of many days (Isaiah 24:22), actually did begin, but instead of coming by outward and physical earthquakes, the rapture, physical deaths, and the like, it first began a period of spiritual judgment, whereby the Lord has brought an end to any more possibility for eternal life and salvation anywhere in the whole world, as we had always taught that He would do when Judgment Day began. So, when Judgment Day did begin on May 21, 2011, immediate eternal and spiritual destruction came upon everyone who had not already been granted eternal life and salvation through Jesus Christ, and this same immediate eternal and spiritual destruction came upon every single child that would ever be conceived thereafter (Isaiah13:18) because ever since Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011, they are all now absolutely guaranteed to not be granted eternal life and salvation but will all instead be relatively soon destroyed for all their sins on the relatively soon to come Last Day of Judgment Day that we are now in, for God has said, all have sinned (Romans 3:23); and
the wicked [all the unsaved people in the world] are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies (Psalm 58:3);
and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Thus, in a real way, The End already came on May 21, 2011 because on that date, all the billions of unsaved people in the world, including all the babies that would be conceived and born thereafter, are now certain to perish on the relatively soon to come Last Day of Judgment Day that we are now in with no hope for eternal life and salvation through Jesus Christ. And until that relatively soon, Last Day of Judgment Day comes when all the billions of unsaved people will be physically cast into the Lake of Fire due to their many sins, God has been removing His Holy Spirit of restraint to humankind's natural sinfulness to give them over to their own evil as part of His judgment against them. And He has even sent spiritual and invisible locusts into the whole world to begin eating up the spiritual good fruits of humankind such as, but certainly not limited to, their rights and freedoms, and much more (Revelation 9:1-5 and 6-12). This is all in preparation for the final outward and physical judgment, which is relatively soon to come on the Last Day of Judgment Day that we are now in, when
the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned
(2Peter 3:10), and all the billions of unsaved people in the churches and the world will be cast into the Lake of Fire to pay for their sins (Revelation 20:15). THE END OF ALL THINGS IS UPON YOU!
Now, this bringing of the spiritual judgment first, and then the physical judgment later, is exactly how God first brought judgment upon the human race in the beginning to give us a model for the End. God first brought spiritual judgment on the day Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit (Genesis Chapter 3), for on that very day they both spiritually died (they lost spiritual relationship with God to see that they were naked in their sin), and then He brought the physical judgment upon them years later when as a result of their sin, Adam and Eve did
finally physically die as now we all do but with much shorter life spans. Adam was simply told that the day he ate of the forbidden fruit, he would surely die (Genesis 2:16-17), but they had no idea that this meant spiritual death first, and then physical death later. What we see, then, is precedence for the spiritual judgment coming first, and then the physical judgment coming later. And just as Adam and Eve had no idea that death meant spiritual death first, so also, before Judgment Day came on May 21, 2011, God's true people had no idea that Judgment Day meant spiritual death to the whole world first, and then the physical and outward judgment would come to it later. This is why before Judgment Day actually began on May 21, 2011, God's Elect thought that Judgment Day would begin with outward and physical destruction instead of beginning with spiritual destruction and the outward and physical destruction coming relatively soon thereafter. But now, after humbly searching further in the Holy Scriptures, we know that spiritual judgment came first, and the physical judgment will come relatively soon. THE END OF ALL THINGS IS UPON YOU!
Furthermore, the spiritual nature of the end-time events wrought in the Biblical Timeline supports a spiritual judgment first on May 21, 2011 as well. According to the well-proven, Biblical Timeline of History, judgment began on the churches on May 21, 1988, but nothing outward and physical took place in order to mark that date; it was a spiritual judgment upon the churches (see Why Leave All Churches). Likewise, according to the Biblical Timeline of History, the Latter Rain began on September 7, 1994 in which God began to save a Great Multitude outside of the churches, but nothing outward and physical took place in order to mark that date; it was the beginning of a tremendous spiritual salvation for the world. So likewise, doesn't it make sense that May 21, 2011 , which is also wrought in the Biblical Timeline of History , would also be manifested spiritually instead of being outward and physical (also read " How We Know May 21, 2011 Began a SPIRITUAL Judgment")?
12-30-24 - Daniel 8:5. Hebrews 3:7-8. Can we know when Judgment Day began, part 1? Freemasons. Luke 11:5-3. Php. 2:12. Stand Firm
11-22-24 - Daniel 8:4. Hebrews 3:1-6. Mormonism. When was Christ born? High Places. The mystery of the Incarnation.
10-12-24 - Daniel 8:1-3. High Places. Purpose of the wife part 3. Hebrews 2:14-18. DIVORCE, THE BIG LIE! Is the Bible true?
7-20-24 - Revelation 13 Review part 3. Hebrews 2:10-13. Jude 1:7-9. The purpose of the wife part 2. The Son was darkened.
6-24-24 - Revelation 13 Review part 2. Hebrews 2:5-9. Jude 1:1-6. Isaiah 26:20. The purpose of the wife, part 1.
5-19-24 - God's 7-day warning to Noah foreshadowed God's 7000-year warning to humankind. Hebrews 2:1-4. Parable of the talents. Don't be deceived by counterfeit gospels or Christs!
4-27-24 - Revelation 13 Review, part 1. Hebrews 1:9-14. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves. Catholicism.
3-23-24 - Revelation 13:18-count the # of the beast! Hebrews 1:7-8. Revelation 22:16-21. Is the Bible True?
3-9-24 - Revelation 13:17part2 - No man can buy or sell! Revelation 14:14-20. Revelation 22:11-15. Hebrews 1:1-6.
2-17-24 - Revelation 13:17 - No man can buy or sell! Revelation 19:17-21. Revelation 14:8-13. Revelation 22:1-10.
2-11-24 Email.
2-4-24 Email. 1-7-24 Email. 12-17-23 Email.
1-19-24 - Revelation 13:16-The Mark of the Beast!. Revelation 19:11-16. Revelation 21 part 3, verses 21-27. Revelation 14:1-7.
11-17-23 - Revelation 13:15. Ezekiel 39:18-22. Revelation 19:6-10. Revelation 21 part 2, verses 9-20.
11-4-23 - Why we should not look for most Endtime Prophecies to take place in the ancient land of Israel! Ezekiel 39:11-17. Revelation 19:1-5. Revelation 21 part 1, verses 1-8.
Revelation 13:14
). Ezekiel 39:7-10. Revelation 18:20-24. Revelation 20 part 2, verses:9-15.
8-18-23 - Revelation 13:13 part 3 (
). Ezekiel 38-39 part 4 chapter 39:1-6. Daniel 7:20-26. Revelation 18 part 2. Revelation 20.
8-5-23 - Revelation 13:13 part 2 (
). Ezekiel 38:17-23 part 3. Daniel 7:13-19. Isaiah 13:20-22. Revelation 18 part 1, verses 1-8.
We read a description of this same time period in Revelation 22 where it reads,
Re 22:11
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still
The reason this scripture says that the unjust - unsaved - will remain unjust; that is, unsaved, and he which is filthy - unsaved - will remain filthy; that is, unsaved, is because the Lord has removed eternal life and salvation from all the Christian churches and the entire world, which means that the unjust and filthy - the unsaved - cannot become saved, but they will be left, even hardened, to remain in their sin. And he that is righteous, and he that is holy - the eternally saved - will remain as such because they cannot lose their salvations in Jesus Christ.
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