Brother Mike Ministries

The many days of Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011!  
ETERNAL LIFE: No Longer Possible!! ***

Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil: and a wise man's heart discerns [will know] both time and judgment - Ec. 8:5

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Revelation 13 Review, part 1
A review of some of its major teachings

By Brother Mike (4-27-24; 33 minutes)

Note: you may miss out on some information if you do not listen to this study, but you only read it!


In our Last Study of the last verse 18 of Revelation 13 , we found what the wisdom is in counting or calculating the number of the beast, which is 666. Indeed, we found that 666 of Gods number for completeness, namely 1,000 , is two-thirds, or when written as a decimal, .666. And this number two-thirds represents or symbolizes all those who will perish; that is, all the unsaved people, whereas the number one-third represents or symbolizes all those who will be saved through Christ, namely His Eternal Church. These numbers two-thirds and one-third are not to be taken literally in that a literal two-thirds and one-third gives the exact proportions of the unsaved to the saved, but they simply symbolize all the unsaved or all the saved, respectively, regardless of the exact proportions of the amount of people actually symbolized by each of these numbers, two-thirds, or one-third. That is, once again, the number two-thirds symbolizes or represents the unsaved, while the number one-third can symbolize the saved, namely the Eternal Church.  

But it should also be mentioned that the number

one-third can spiritually symbolize or represent the entire corporate Christian Church as well, namely everyone who attends a Christian church whether saved or not. As we had learned in a previous study, the sea can symbolizes all the unsaved people of the world ( Revelation 13:1 ), and this sea of the unsaved people numbers about two-thirds of the world's population, just as the sea covers about two-thirds of the world. On the other hand, the earth can symbolize all who attend a Christian church whether saved or unsaved (the corporate Christian Church, which includes all the Christian churches {see Revelation 13:3-4 - begin reading at the last paragraph on page 7}), and this earth of all those who attend a Christian church numbers about one-third of the world's population, just as the earth covers about one-third of the world. Thus, the number one-third can symbolize the entire corporate Christian Church as it does in Revelation 8:7-9 , 8:10-13 , and Revelation 9:13-21 (see verse 15) where it speaks of God's Judgment being brought against the third part; that is, against all the Christian churches worldwide beginning on May 21,1988, and even to this very day. 

Now, in learning that the beast, who is the Antichrist, has the number two-thirds, or .666, it means that he belongs to those who are unsaved and will perish. And, since we had learned that the last verse 18 of Revelation 13 can be translated in such a way that we are told that this number of the beast is the number of mankind , we know that all of unsaved mankind will perish as well. Yes, both the beast who is the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself; and all of unsaved mankind will soon perish on

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wonderfully, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He is not a slave Master. Therefore, let us cast aside all things that hinder and the sin that can so easily entangle us, and let us run the race and serve Him who chose us unto so great a salvation. 

Well, in this message, we will now take a sort of step back to review some of the major things learned from Revelation 13 that we recently finished. First of all, let's be reminded that the two beasts, one that rose up out of the sea in verse 1, and the other that came up out of the earth in verse 11, are really describing the one and the same Church beast. This one Church beast is described as two different beasts to emphasize the number 2, which number symbolizes the Church (see Bible Number 2 ), revealing to us that this Church beast has everything to do with the Christian Church. The beast is not like so many of the false teachers and prophets say it is. This beast is not a man who is yet to arise to be a human Antichrist and Man of Sin who will set himself up in some manmade temple to rule the world. No, this beast is the virtually perfect counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, the devil himself who already came beginning on May 21,1988 to rule in the Christian Temple, the corporate Christian Church to which all Christian churches are a part. It is not just in the Catholic Church in which the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself came to rule in as so many evangelicals continue to falsely teach. In fact, the Catholic Church developed so many false practices and teachings, and they did so much evil in the world, over the last 1600 years that they were already vomited out from God's mouth

the Last Day because they are both symbolized by the same spiritual number, which is 666 of God's number for completeness, namely 1,000, which is two-thirds, or .666. This is the wisdom: There is an end to the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist and beast, Satan himself who was given rule over the Christian Church as judgment against them to begin the Great Tribulation on May 21,1988. And there is also an end to all the billions of unsaved people who ongoingly think and work evil, which, by the way, is every unsaved person, and they number in the billions. But there will be no end for the true Eternal Church, the Third Part (or one-third): for these are those who are following the Lamb of God; who think what He thinks; who go where He goes; who say what He says, and who do whatever He does; who have lost their lives in this world for the sake of Christ, knowing that this world is not their home and soon to end; who would gladly give everything just to be in Christ's presence forever, for what we see with our eyes is temporal, but what we see through faith in God's Holy Word is eternal. And what shall we choose, the temporal, or the eternal? Why, the eternal, of course! For to be absent from the body is to present with the Lord, forever. But although to physically die now would be a great gain, we must yet have a purpose in still being here, or we would no longer be here. Therefore, we must take hold of that purpose for which we are still here and bare our cross. Only God can take us home whether by sleep (physical death) or by translation into glory; it is not our choice, for we have been bought with a price and are no longer our own and Satan's, but we are bond servants of Jesus Christ, and

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hundreds of years ago.

Indeed, in comparing the true Holy Scriptures to all the practices and teachings of the Catholic Church through the Holy Spirit that all God's true people have been given as a gift, any true follower of Christ would never ever be able to call themselves Catholic, and at the same time say that they follow Christ, for Catholicism is obviously contrary to so many teachings of our Lord, apostles, eyewitnesses, and prophets that it must be viewed as a Christian cult and not of the true Christian faith at all (see Catholicism and the Bible ). No, you just cannot call yourself a true Christian unless you depart out from the Catholic Church. Catholicism is a counterfeit Christ, and like oil and water cannot mix, Catholicism and the true faith of Jesus Christ cannot mix either. God has had enough with people who claim to be Catholic and true Christians when they are not.  

Yes, Catholicism was given over to a counterfeit Christ and devil due to all her sins hundreds of years ago, so contrary to many evangelicals, the main focus of God's Judgment in these Latter Days is not just on the Catholic Church, but it is now on all the Protestant churches as well. Like the Catholic Church, they both together became the Great Harlot of Revelation 17, and God's wrath rests upon them all. So don't think for a moment that your church is exempt because it is not. Until the end of the Church Age on May 21,1988, God was incredibly patient with many of the various false gospels, false teachings, false practices, and false spirits that came through His churches, and He even used them despite their errors, but His great patience came to an end, and He will no longer stomach all the

false things coming through the Christian churches of any denomination or non-denomination, local church or congregation, which is why His Judgment came upon the corporate Christian Church on May 21,1988 and will continue to the very end. And He exhorts all His true believers, the ones specifically chosen by Him from the foundation of the world, to depart out from all the Christian churches. He is now separating the sheep from the goats. The goats, you see, are all who will not leave their churches to follow Jesus Christ. They have been caught in the snare of the trapper, and they are being fed a strong delusion by God Himself that they believe a lie and so do not even know that they have been snared (listen to 2Thessalonians 2:1-11 ). 

Everyone, with any clarity of insight, who has been around long enough, now being in their retirement years, has seen how the once true Christian churches have fallen away from so much truth. The Christian churches have let the world take them over because they have not stood firm on the teachings of God's word. And because it is the Christian churches who had especially been entrusted with the word of God like never before in history, once the printing press was invented, they were especially expected more than everyone else to be faithful to God's holy teachings, but regardless, they fell away from more and more truth. Therefore, God's Final Judgment on this world had to begin with them on May 21,1988, and it continues upon them to this very day. You see, God's Judgment on America that has brought upon it all the godless Marxists and wicked locust

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people now devouring everything was not primarily due to the sins of all the wicked unbelievers in America, but it came about because of all the sins of the corporate Christian Church, which includes all Christian churches worldwide, Protestant and Catholic. So, if America is ever to be truly saved, all the Christian churches would need to repent first. But that is not going to happen because this is God's Final Judgment, and the Christian churches have been made to become blind and dumb. They cannot see or hear the truth for these Latter Days. In fact, as was already stated, God is feeding them a strong delusion so that they believe a lie (2Thes. 2:11), and they cannot even see their sins. They recognize that America is crumbling, yes, but they are not entirely pointing the finger at themselves as they should. Instead, they are pointing it everywhere else except themselves because they think they are still being faithful to God even though they are not being faithful, for God's Judgment rests upon them, and He has given them over to the virtually perfect counterfeit Christ and his demons, the ultimate Antichrist (also called the Man of Sin), Satan himself, to be first, spiritually destroyed as they now have been, then second, to be physically destroyed on the Last Day of Judgment Day that we are now in. And God Himself is feeding them the strong delusion that they are worshipping Jesus Christ when they go to their churches even though they are not. No, it is clear that the counterfeit Christ, the Abomination of Desolation and Antichrist, Satan himself, has been set up in the corporate Christian Church by how far the corporate Christian Church has fallen from truth. Therefore, all God's true people are exhorted to come out from all the Christian churches to
escape the spiritual plagues that have been coming upon them all (Matthew 24:15-16). None can any longer be eternally saved in or outside of the churches; nevertheless, there appears to be salvations taking place as one of the counterfeit Christ's, the Antichrist's, Satan's signs or wonders to deceive the elect, if that were possible. But God's true people cannot be deceived, and they will never return to any church on this earth (Matthew 24:17-18; Mark 13:15; Luke 17:31), for they have been taught by the true Christ who Himself is no longer in the Christian churches of today, and His sheep have followed Him. 

Now, as we continue our recap of Revelation 13, let's notice that one of the two beasts is said to rise out of the sea because the sea symbolizes the unsaved people of the world (see Revelation 13:1 ), and, therefore, as the beast is said to have risen up out of the unsaved people of the world (the sea), we know that the beast works through or out of unsaved people. But we also know that these unsaved people are in the Christian Church, and must, therefore, be counterfeit Christians, for the other beast is said to have come up out of the earth, and we found that the word earth spiritually symbolizes the corporate Christian Church, which includes all Christian churches (see
Revelation 13:3-4 , 8 , and 11 ). Thus, the same one Church beast that the two beasts in Revelation 13 symbolize comes out of or through the unsaved who are symbolized by the sea and the Christian Church that is symbolized by the earth. In other words, the beast works through the counterfeit unsaved Christians in the Christian Church. The beast, of course, is the devil himself. It is he and his 

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demons that work through counterfeit pastors, teachers, evangelists, elders, healers, prophets, priests, or any other counterfeit Christians to bring forth his false gospels, false signs and wonders, false teachings, false practices, or false spirits. It is also he, the devil and his host of fallen angels, who was given rule over the Christian Church as the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, also called the Man of Sin and the Abomination of Desolation, and he was given rule over them to bring God's Judgment against them through great deception and a strong delusion from God Himself that they would believe a lie so that they would all be dammed (2Thessalonians 2:11), for the Final Judgment of this world [had to] begin at the House of God (1Peter 4:17). And according to the most accurate , Biblical Timeline of History , God's very own Final Judgment on this world did begin at His very own house on May 21,1988, and it continues upon them to this very day without them even knowing it. But the Eternal Church who were each chosen by God from before the world began, they know what is happening, and they have departed out from the Christian churches to follow their Lord and escape His wrath. What will you do? Will you continue attending your church to be under the rule of the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself, or do you realize that you have been deceived and so will depart out from your church? Christ is currently placing His sheep to His right hand as they depart out from the Satan ruled Christian churches, but He is bundling the goats in all the Christian churches to be burned up in the fire of the Last Day. What will you do? Stay in the Church because you are a goat, or depart out to be placed at Christ's right hand?

Well now, besides the two beasts of Revelation 13 actually symbolizing the one Church beast who is the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, the devil himself that works through counterfeit Christians in the Church to come with counterfeit gospels, counterfeit teachings, counterfeit practices, counterfeit signs and wonders in that they attest to counterfeit gospels, counterfeit spirits, or anything else contrary to the truth, a recurring theme in Revelation 13 is that the corporate Christian Church, which includes all Christian churches, worships the beast (Satan) during the Great Tribulation, which began on May 21,1988 and continued to May 21,2011, and even to this very day because, even though Satan was removed from his great rule over the Church and the world on May 21,2011, and Christ began to rule in his place with a Rod of Iron to bring His Final Judgment against the whole world, Christ is permitting the devil to continue to the very end as His instrument of wrath and judgment both against the Christian Church and the world.  

Yes, God reveals that the corporate Christian Church worships the beast (Satan) during the Great Tribulation, and even to this very day, in several places in Revelation 13. First, if you will remember our past study of verse 3 , we read, 

3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world [translated as
earth everywhere else in Revelation 13] wondered after the beast
Thus, we learned that all the earth wondered after the beast . And since we found that the

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term the earth spiritually symbolizes all the Christian churches (see Revelation 13:3-4 , 8 , and 11 ), this verse 3 reveals that all the Christian churches (symbolized by all the earth ) wondered (or marveled) after the beast. We could say that the corporate Christian Church so marveled after the beast as to worship him because it is said, right out, that they worshipped him in verse 8 where we read, 

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world .  

In other words, all that attend the Christian churches (symbolized by all that dwell upon the earth ) shall worship him during the Great Tribulation that was from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011, and even to this very day for the reason previously stated in this study (see study on verse 8 ). And again, to emphasize this point further, we read in verse 12, 

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed

Notice this beast causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast . Since the earth and them which dwell therein symbolizes those that attend the Christian churches, it is revealed, once again, that those in the Christian churches during the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21, 2011, and even to this very day, are caused to worship

the first beast, which symbolizes the one Church beast, the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself. And how does this Church beast cause itself to be worshipped? By deception, of course. Remember, this beast rises up in the Church as the counterfeit Christ, which is why it is said to have two horns like a lamb in verse 11 . That is, this Church beast has strength or power in the Church as if he were Christ Himself, and he uses his power and strength with signs and wonders to cause the whole Christian Church to worship him while they think they are worshipping the true Christ when they are not. It is the beast's (Satan's) greatest deception since he deceived Eve in the garden. Finally, the devil reasons that he has become like God, seated and ruling over the congregation of the Almighty, and all those in the Christian churches do not even know it. Only God's Eternal Church who are those chosen ones who have followed Christ to depart out from all the Christian churches realize that the counterfeit Christ, the true Antichrist that was already revealed to have come by Holy Scripture on May 21,1988, the Man of Sin, beast, and Abomination of Desolation, the devil himself, has been ruling over all the Christian churches to have begun God's Final Judgment on this world first at the House of God to have begun the Great Tribulation on May 21,1988, and then finally on the whole world on May 21,2011 with no more possibility of being eternally saved if not having been saved already, but only Satan's great deceptions to make people think they have become saved when they have not. 

So, the two major teachings of Revelation 13 that we have mentioned today are, first, that the

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two beasts mentioned therein both symbolize one and the same Church beast, the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan himself who was given by God to rule over the Christian churches by deception as His Judgment against them for having fallen away from many truths of Holy Scripture. It is His Final Judgment on His entire Church, so there is no possibility for escape, except to depart out from all the Christian churches as Christ and the Holy Spirit already did beginning on May 21,1988. Then, the second major thing we brought up is God's great emphasis in Revelation 13 on the whole corporate Christian Church, everyone in the Christian churches, worshipping the beast. And the beast is the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist (also called the Man of Sin or Abomination of Desolation), Satan himself. Thus, without realizing it, everyone still attending a Christian church of one type, or another, are worshipping the devil, for the only church that now remains under the eternal blessings of Christ is His Eternal Church, which is not a denomination or non-denomination, nor any local church or congregation, but they are all His true people that have departed out from their churches throughout the entire world to follow Christ and the Holy Spirit until they be taken up in glory on the Last Day of Judgment Day that we are now in. 

Now, until the next time when we will review a few more important teachings of Revelation 13, may Yahweh bless thee, and keep thee: Yahweh make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: Yahweh lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

13 Review
