Brother Mike Ministries
The many days of Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011!
ETERNAL LIFE: No Longer Possible!!
Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil: and a wise man's heart discerns [will know] both time and judgment - Ec. 8:5
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we can be assured that we are on the path of truth when we say that the phenomenon of causing people to fall backward in the Christian churches is a sign of God's wrath or judgment upon the whole corporate Christian Church (all Christian churches) as symbolized by our verse of today's continued study, Revelation 13:13, by the beast, which consists of Satan as its head, his demons, and all the counterfeit Christians, calling down fire from heaven into the earth [spiritually, into the Church] before humans
The first reference to falling backward in the Bible is found in Genesis, chapter 49, where we read,
And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall
you in the last
Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father
[Israel became the new name given to Jacob after he had wrestled with God and prevailed - Genesis 32:24-30].
Then Israel prophesies the following about his son, Dan, whose descendants became the tribe of Dan. He says,
Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel
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Satan, Satan has been given over to be their ruler and owner with his great deception to spiritually destroy them all. Satan makes it look like people are still being saved in all the churches in so-called revivals and such and by false prophets declaring that the Church will be revived even though that is now impossible. Satan also makes it appear as if God is doing great signs and wonders in the churches. Satan even makes them think that they are being blessed as they fall backward, being slain in the demon's spirit, which is symbolized in Revelation 13:13 by the beast making fire come down from heaven into their churches before their very eyes. Indeed, they are all blind! And, if the blind are leading the blind, they have all already fallen into the pit ... Then,
I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues
Revelation 18:4).
good for them alone. They have itching ears just like their people, and so they have gathered together only people who have itching ears to listen to only serpents who promise them the world if they will just tithe to the church for a prayer cloth or holy water in exchange. They read the books of their past theologians and teach them rather than God's Word, and they can't leave their churches in obedience to Christ because then, they would lose all their pay, their lively hood. Yes, they love their income more than they love God! But you can't serve God and mammon, so they serve the devil instead, their true father. You blind leaders of the blind. Hell is opened wide for you!
Okay, here is the main point of this study before the fire in my bones pushes me to speak even more against your wicked shepherds ... Anyway, we have seen that the term fall backward, mentioned in Genesis chapter 49, has to do with God's judgment against all those still in the Christian churches even as did the falling backward of people in the Christian churches, which is typified in
Revelation 13:13, part 1
Revelation 13:13 part 2
The beast does Great Wonders and makes fire come down out of heaven!
And he [the beast] does Great Wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men
In our
last study
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churches). Even though this phenomenon of falling backward is not seen in every individual Christian church; nevertheless, God sees every Christian church as a part of the same corporate Church, House, or Temple so that if just some of the churches show people falling backwards in them, it can be, as it is, a sign of God's Judgment against the whole corporate Church or Temple of God, which includes all the Christian churches.
Each individual Christian church was and is never an island unto itself, but it was and is a part of a much larger Church, the corporate Church. So, even as we see all the different Christian denominations and churches holding different doctrines, some true and some false, to reveal how divided they really all are, these divisions in doctrine are sins accounted to the whole corporate Church because all Christian churches are a part of that same corporate Temple or Church, and they are their brother's keeper and should have helped to lead them all into all the truth through the Holy Spirit. Yes, all the Christian churches can differ in many things, but they should not differ in Bible doctrine, lest the wrath of God come upon them all, as it now has in the end, and all their candlesticks have been removed on May 21,1988 when the Holy Spirit and Christ, the light of all the candlesticks, which are all the Christian churches, departed out to give the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist and
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Now, until the next time when we shall look at a couple more places in the Bible where the term fall backward is used, may Yahweh bless thee, and keep thee: Yahweh make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: Yahweh lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace (Numbers 6:24-26).
Dan here, of course, refers to one of the tribes of ancient Israel, and what we read about Dan comes from what the man, Israel (once known as Jacob) prophesied about what would happen to the tribe of Dan in the Latter Days. The Latter Days are the days in which we now find ourselves ever since May 21,1988, and the ancient tribe of Dan was a type or picture of God's people in these Latter Days. And who are God's people in these Latter Days? No, they are not the Jews or physical descendants of the ancient man, Israel, but they are the Christians who are the true or spiritual Jews and spiritual descendants of the man, Israel, which means a prince, who is Jesus Christ. These Christians or true Jews were normally associated with a Christian church of one kind or another throughout the Church Age from Pentecost in 33 AD to the end of the Church Age on May 21, 1988 when the Holy Spirit, God Himself, left all the Christian churches to begin His Judgment at His own House (1 Peter 4:17) by giving His entire House, Temple, or corporate Church, which includes all Christian churches, over to the counterfeit Christ,