Brother Mike Ministries

The many days of Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011!  
ETERNAL LIFE: No Longer Possible!! ***

Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil: and a wise man's heart discerns [will know] both time and judgment - Ec. 8:5

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Why we should not look for most Endtime Prophecies to take place in the ancient land of Israel!
By Brother Mike (11-4-23; 70 minutes)


Grace and peace to all those who are the true Israel and Jews of God; who are circumcised in their hearts and not just in their flesh, whether Jew or Gentile, through the faith of Jesus Christ by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit; and who are the true Christians! That's right, the true Christians are the true Jews! For we read in Romans 2, 

28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh :
29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God .  

Now today, the vast majority of people still think that the nation of Israel are the true Jews or people of God, and so whenever something takes place in Israel, many of the theologians in the Christian Church and elsewhere jump at the opportunity to apply it somehow to the coming of or the fulfillment of Holy Scripture in the Endtimes. With God now bringing a strong delusion upon all the Christian churches as judgment against them as we read in 2Thessalonians 2 that He would, where we read,

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He [the Holy Spirit in the Church] who now letteth will let [better translated, who now restrains will restrain] , until He [the Holy Spirit] be taken out of the way [out of the midst of the Christian Church].
8 And then shall that Wicked [the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, also called the Man of Sin] be revealed [according to Holy Scripture that the Biblical Timeline came from, the Antichrist who is the counterfeit Christ was revealed in the Christian Church on May 21,1988] , whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming :  
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders ,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie :
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness

And now, with so many of the Christian churches standing firm on their own manmade and false doctrines as Satan rules over them, such as, for one instance, their Premillennial Dispensational Theology, which is still incorrectly looking for the Antichrist to be a man when He is not a single man who will arise to bring peace in the Middle East, and who will eventually set himself up in the supposed to be rebuilt Jewish temple as if he were God, deceiving the people that he is

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the focus of everything, according to them, is on the nation of Israel because they still see the nation of Israel as being the true Israel on this earth and so they look to the nation of Israel and the literal land of Israel to be where virtually all the Endtime fulfillment of prophecy will take place.  
But that is not where virtually all the Endtime fulfillment of prophecy will be! Sadly, the Christian churches have been so blinded by God as He has been bringing His Judgment against them, they are completely lost when it comes to what has been and will be happening in these last few days on earth. 
Therefore, even as we hear so many lies coming from the world in this Day of God's Judgment, so also, we hear so many lies coming from the so-called Christian churches of our day, which is why Gods wrath had come upon them in the first place ever since May 21, 1988, when His Judgment [had to] begin at the House of God (1Peter 4:17), namely at all the Christian churches worldwide. And the manmade Premillennial Dispensational Theology is just one of those great lies and deceptions of the devil. There are many other Endtime lies being propagated by the churches in our day as well, such as Postmillennialism, which is looking for this world to be gradually and completely Christianized over a long period of time with its so-called Reconstructionism Theology and Preterist viewpoint that the vast majority of the book of Revelation was already fulfilled in the 1st century AD. Other Endtime lies are what are called Historic 
God; and these Church theologians and false prophets are also waiting for the Church to be raptured out of this world to heaven at or soon after the beginning of the Great Tribulation to be judged and receive their rewards for the good deeds they accomplished for Christ while on earth; and again, they think falsely that they will be raptured out to escape the Great Tribulation on earth of what they falsely think will be seven years in duration; and they falsely think the whole nation of Israel will be evangelized by the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, who they falsely think will be Moses and Elijah, and who will supposedly but falsely do great signs and wonders to lead the whole nation to believe in Christ as their Messiah; and then, after the Great Tribulation, they falsely think the battle of Armageddon takes place in the ancient land of Israel, and then Christ will finally return to Jerusalem from heaven to rule and reign for a literal 1,000 years on this sin-cursed earth, which, by the way is absurd, to subdue all His enemies as He rules over them with a rod of iron during which time, they also falsely say, Satan will be bound in the pit; and then, after that literal 1,000 years, and after the so-called battle of Gog and Magog, for all the wicked or unsaved people to be judged and cast into the Lake of Fire along with Satan and all his host of evil angels or demons. Thus, according to them, there will be two different judgments: the judgment of the Church after they are raptured out from the Great Tribulation (I think they call this, the Judgment of rewards), and then, they say, there will be another judgment of the wicked at the end of Christ's literal 1000-year reign on this sin-cursed earth (again, what foolishness) after their so-called battle of Gog and Magog. Anyway,

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Premillennialism and Amillennialism that we will not mention any further in this particular message, but Dispensation Premillennialism seems to be more widely and readily held by the fallen evangelical Christian churches of our day than any of the other Endtime Theologies, but it is the most absurd interpretation of Holy Scripture. It uses an unbiblical method of interpretation, and so it just chops of Holy Scripture like no other Endtime theology in our day. 

Now, let's return to the notion that the nation of Israel is still the true Israel. Is that true? Absolutely not! For the Holy Spirit said through the apostle Paul in Romans 9, 

6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel :
Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called .  
8 That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed .  

And who are the children of promise? A remnant of people from every nation, including the nation of Israel, who were elected by God to faith in Jesus Christ, and who were all saved in Jesus Christ by May 21,2011 when Judgment came upon the whole world with any possibility for eternal life having come to an end. These alone

are the true Israel; the nation of Israel is no longer Israel, and the land of Israel is no longer the Holy land; hence, no longer the true land of Israel. But ever since God departed from the old Jewish temple when the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom as Christ hung on the cross and the earth quaked (Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45), the nation of Israel was no longer counted as the people of God, and they never will be ever again. In fact, we read in Jeremiah 3 that God had already began divorcing the nation of Israel even before the cross. God declares in Jeremiah 3,  

8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also .
And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks
10 And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly [pretended] , saith the LORD .
11 And the LORD said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah

Indeed, God divorced the northern kingdom of Israel and destroyed it by the Assyrians in 709 BC. And if God divorced and destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel, what do you think He eventually did to the southern kingdom of Judah who we just read, feared not, but went and

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played the harlot also? Why He destroyed them as well by the Babylonians in 587 BC. Yes, he divorced the southern kingdom of Israel, called Judah, as well as the Northern kingdom of Israel, called Israel, except for those who obeyed Yahweh to surrender and depart out from Judah and Jerusalem to go into captivity in Babylon because God was not going to turn away His wrath from Judah due to their worship of false gods and hardened rebellion against Him. We read in Jeremiah 21,  

And unto this people thou shalt say, Thus saith Jehovah: Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death .
He that abideth in this city [Jerusalem] shall die by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence; but he that goeth out, and passeth over to the Chaldeans [another name for the Babylonians] that besiege you, he shall live, and his life shall be unto him for a prey
10 For I have set my face upon this city for evil, and not for good, saith Jehovah: it shall be given into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire [which he did in 587 BC].
11 And touching the house of the king of Judah, hear ye the word of Jehovah :   
12 O house of David, thus saith Jehovah, Execute justice in the morning, and deliver him that is robbed out of the hand of the oppressor, lest my wrath go forth like fire, and burn so that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings .
13 Behold, I am against thee, O inhabitant of the valley, and of the rock of the plain, saith Jehovah; you that say, Who shall come down against us? or who shall enter into our habitations ?

14 And I will punish you according to the fruit of your doings, saith Jehovah; and I will kindle a fire in her forest, and it shall devour all that is round about her .  
Now, those Old Testament Israelites that obeyed Yahweh to depart out from Judah and Jerusalem in the light of its certain destruction by Yahweh were a picture or type of all we who, in this day, had obeyed Christ to depart out from all the Christian churches (from the new land of Judah and Jerusalem) in the light of their certain destruction to go into captivity in this world (the new Babylon or kingdom of Satan) to escape God's Judgment upon all the Christian churches that began on May 21,1988 according to Yahwehs very accurate ,
Biblical Timeline of History (see Why leave all churches? ).  

Thus, when Christ was crucified, the nation of Israel had been fully divorced by God, and when the Holy Spirit departed from the temple as Jesus hung on the cross and the earth quaked, God's divorce of the nation of Israel had been fulfilled. There is now no possibility that the nation of Israel will ever again become the people of God and married to Him, for we read in the law of Deuteronomy 24, 
4 Her [the nation of Israel's] former husband [who, in this case, was Yahweh] , which sent her [the nation of Israel] away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance .

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You see, the nation of Israel ran after false gods in spiritual adultery just as the churches of our day have been doing. The result of all their adulteries was that Yahweh divorced the nation of Israel according to a temporary law of Moses that was instituted by him only for that particular Old Testament time due to the severe hardness of the Israelite's hearts, and it was rescinded by Christ back to how it was meant to be from the beginning (see DIVORCE, THE BIG LIE! ). That temporary law that allowed Yahweh to divorce the nation of Israel in the Old Testament is found in Deuteronomy 24 where it reads, 

1 When a man hath taken a wife [in this case, Yahweh had married the nation of Israel]
, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness [such as spiritual adultery]
in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house .
And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man's [wife].  
So, based on this temporary law, Yahweh divorced the nation of Israel from any longer being His people, for they, instead, became married to their false gods, which were many. And as was already revealed, the nation of Israel could then never come back from their second husbands who were all their false gods to return to their first husband, Yahweh, because included with that temporary law that permitted Yahweh to divorce the nation of Israel, we read in Deuteronomy 24,

3 And if the latter husband [in this case, Israel's false gods] hate her [hate the nation of Israel] , and write her a bill of divorcement, and giveth it in her hand, and sendeth her out of his house; or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife ;
4 Her [the nation of Israel's] former husband [who, in this case, was Yahweh] , which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance .  

And so, the nation of Israel can never go back to their first husband, Yahweh, because she is defiled and that would be an abomination before Yahweh. No, the nation of Israel was fully divorced at the cross so that God could marry another with an everlasting love from whom there could be no divorce, and this another is the eternal Church of Jesus Christ, not a denomination or a local congregation of any kind that consists of the unsaved as in this day, but all those who are truly in Jesus Christ. They alone are the true Israel of God! And they have obeyed Christ to depart out from all the Christian churches of our day to escape God's Judgment upon them, just as some of Yahweh's Old Testament people obeyed Him to depart out from Judah and Jerusalem to escape His wrath (see Why leave all ChristIan churches? ). But before the true Israel of God obeyed Christ to depart out from all the Christian churches, they were a part of all those churches and so all the Christian churches had then become the new land of Israel and Judah ever since the time of the

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cross after the Holy Spirit departed out from the old Jewish temple. And as each of God's elect, the true Israel, became saved through the hearing of the gospel during the Church Age from Pentecost in 33 AD to the spiritual end of the Church Age on May 21,1988, they normally joined a local congregation, and they themselves became the new temple of God, for God through the apostle Paul, for instance, says to the church of Corinth, 

1Co 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you ?  
And God says to them again,   
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people

Indeed, the Holy Spirit that had departed out from the old Jewish temple at the cross, then took up its residence in all the Christian churches because they became the new temple of the true Israelites who are the true Christians. Indeed, they became the new temple of God, and each truly saved person in those churches were themselves the temple where indwelt the Holy Spirit. But when God's Final Judgment finally began at the House of God (all the Christian churches) on May 21,1988, the Holy Spirit once again departed out from the temple (this time, all the Christian churches worldwide), and God's true believers soon followed because the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist, Satan

himself, was revealed through Holy Scripture to be ruling in all the Christian churches to spiritually destroy them as God's Judgment against them (listen to 2Thessalonians 2:1-11 ). All the Christian churches have now been spiritually destroyed, and they only await to be physically destroyed on the Last Day of Judgment Day that is soon to come, likely any time now to as long as the year 2035 AD. 

So now, we must ask, why do so many look to the old nation of Israel in the old land of Israel that is no longer the land of Israel, nor the Holy Land, for all the Christian churches had become the Holy Land of Judah and Jerusalem after the cross, to look for the Endtime fulfillments of ancient prophecy? Well, they have all been taught false doctrines and teachings, which is one of the big reasons why God began His Judgment against them in the first place ever since the spiritual end of the Church Age when Judgment began at the House of God on May 21,1988. They should have realized that since Yahweh had divorced the nation of Israel forever and then revealed the true Israel to be all who are eternally saved from their sins through Jesus Christ by when Judgment Day began on May 21,2011, that the true Land of Israel has always been where the true Israel of God dwelt, first in the temple of the old nation of Israel up until the cross when God divorced the that nation of Israel, and then, namely in all the Christian churches worldwide. Therefore, if all the theologians and false prophets in the churches were wise, they would have been looking to the Christian churches (the true land of Israel) to see the fulfillment of virtually all the Endtime prophesies taking place. In fact, virtually all the

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Witnesses are not Moses and Elijah or some others who are supposed to come and evangelize the old land of Israel, but they are the true believers in Christ, the true Israel of God, who preached the gospel in the new land of Israel and Judah, namely all the Christian churches, to bring about the building of the tabernacle of David (see Revelation 11:1-6 ), which was the worldwide Christian Church. That the rebuilding of this temple of David took place during the Church Age is made clear in Acts 15 where we learn that the building of the Church was the building of the temple of David. We read, 

15 And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written ,
After these things I will return, And I will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen; And I will build again the ruins thereof, And I will set it up
17 That the residue of men may seek after the Lord, And all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called ,
Saith the Lord, who maketh these things known from of old .  

No, we are not waiting for that old temple in Jerusalem to be rebuilt to fulfill the scriptures. Those ancient prophesies were already fulfilled in the building of the New Testament Church. Are you beginning to see where the fulfillment of ancient prophecy for the Endtimes has really been taking place? Yes, it has been taking place with the Christian churches that are the true or new land of Judah and Jerusalem ever since the old nation of Israel was divorced by God to be married to another: those whose messiah is

ancient prophecies with respect to the Endtimes have already been fulfilled, not in the old nation of Israel that God had divorced, but in the new land of Israel, namely all the Christian churches worldwide. For instance, in fulfillment of prophecy, the true temple of God that many think is yet to be rebuilt over in Jerusalem was already rebuilt in the Church during the Church Age because as each true Israelite (Jews and Gentiles) worldwide came to faith in Jesus Christ through the preaching of the gospel during the Church Age from Pentecost in 33 AD to the spiritual end of the Church Age on May 21,1988, they were each a stone of that temple until the very last stone came to faith in Christ by May 21,2011 to complete the rebuilt temple of David that had been prophesied to come. That is, the true rebuilt temple that the prophets foretold would come into being in the Endtimes was already fulfilled, not an old physical temple that they say is yet to be rebuilt in the old Jerusalem, but a new spiritual temple that was already completed ever since May 21,2011 when Judgment Day began and all God's people, the true Israel of God, had become saved. 

Furthermore, if they understood the scriptures, they would have recognized that the coming of the Antichrist already took place in the Land of Judah and Jerusalem, which Land has been all the Christian churches ever since the time of the cross. As we now know, the counterfeit Christ, who is the Antichrist (also called the Man of Sin or Son of Perdition), Satan himself, did come on May 21,1988 to be revealed in the Church as the ruler over the Christian churches to bring God's Judgment against them (listen to 2Thessalonians 2:1-11 and see
Why leave all the churches? ). We also know that the 2

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the Lord, Jesus Christ; that remnant who, whether Jew or Gentile, had already been saved through the faith of Jesus Christ by His death and resurrection on the cross. They alone are the true Israel of God! They are also the true temple of God, which temple was completed when they had all been saved before Judgment Day began on May 21,2011. Much of the fulfillment of Endtime prophecy, you see, has already been realized in or with the Christian churches, not the old Jewish nation of Israel in the old land of Canaan, but the new land of Judah and Jerusalem, being all the Christian churches worldwide. That has been where most of the ancient prophecies have already been fulfilled, but most have been blinded to it all because of God.s wrath upon them to feed them a strong delusion to believe all the lies being propagated by the many false prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors in the Christian churches in the Latter Days of the Endtimes. 

Again, we know that we are right near the end, not because of something that is happening over in the nation of Israel, but because the Christian churches have clearly fallen away from the truth as the Antichrist, Satan himself, has already been revealed to be ruling in and over the Christian churches so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God [the Christian Church, not some old to be rebuilt Jewish temple], shewing himself that he is God. As we read in 2Thessalonians 2, 

1   Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him ,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand .
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first [the falling away of the Christian churches from truth] , and that man of sin [the counterfeit Christ, Satan himself] be revealed [in the Christian churches] , the son of perdition ;  
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God [the Christian Church, not some old to be rebuilt Jewish temple in the old land of Judah and Jerusalem] , shewing himself that he is God .
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things

So, once again, we see the fulfillment of Holy Scripture concerning the Endtimes having been fulfilled in the Christian Church, which became the new Land of Israel and Judah after the crucifixion and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is the Land where the new temple has already been built. It is the Land where the Antichrist, Satan himself, was revealed, and which he was given to rule over after being released from the pit on May 21,1988 to spiritually destroy it, except, of course, for the true Israel of God, the eternal Church who obeyed Christ to depart out from it; that is, to have departed out from all the Christian churches worldwide in the light of their sure destruction by the king of Babylon (the king of this world and all Christian churches now

himself who deceived all the churches and congregations worldwide to worship him and receive the Mark of the Beast, and he brought in his counterfeit gospels, counterfeit teachings, and counterfeit signs and wonders to spiritually destroy them. 

Now, before moving on further, we should note that Christ, like Satan, is also referred to as a lion in scripture. Remember, we read,  
Re 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David [Christ]
, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof .  
And, in describing Christ by four beasts (better translated as four living creatures), we read,   
Re 4:7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle

So, Christ and Satan can both be described as a lion in scripture, but Satan is the counterfeit lion. Satan comes looking just like Christ, which is one of the reasons why he is described as a lion in the same way that Christ is. And there are many Old Testament verses that both typify Christ and Satan as a lion that we will not get into for brevity, but with that being said, let's look at one last verse. We read, 

Hosea 13:5 I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of great drought . {great ... : Heb. droughts }

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6 According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten me
7 Therefore I [God]
will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the way will I [God]
observe them :
8 I [God]
will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I [God] devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them . {wild ... : Heb. beast of the field } 

Notice that in this verse, because God is bringing judgment on His own people, God describes Himself as all three of the same beasts - the leopard, bear, and lion - which are used to describe Satan coming against God's Church as judgment against them during the Great Tribulation from May 21, 1988 to when Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011 in our verse of study, Revelation 13:2. In fact, Hosea 13:5-8, the verses we just read, typifies God's judgment that would come upon the New Testament Israel, the Church, which we see being described in verse 2 of our study in Revelation 13. 

Now, our verse 2 of Revelation 13 ends like this: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. That is, the beast (Satan and his kingdom) that rose up out of the sea (was loosed to rise up out of the bottomless pit in which it was first bound at the cross) to bring God's judgment against all the churches and congregations worldwide beginning on May 21, 1988 according to the well-proven , Biblical Timeline of History got its power from
the dragon who we learned is the devil, Satan himself .
included), Satan himself, as he comes in great deception as the Antichrist to rule over and spiritually destroy the Christian Church. Those who have remained in the Christian churches to fight for their churches are fighting a losing battle, for God will not turn back His Judgment against them because the churches have chosen their false Christs over the true Christ, and their hearts are in hardened rebellion against the king of kings, and Lord of Lords, our Master, Jesus Christ. Therefore, depart out from all Christian churches to escape His wrath. If you stay in your churches to fight for them, you will be spiritually and finally physically destroyed on the relatively soon Last Day of the many days of Judgment that we are now in.
Then again, many believe that Christ is to reign for 1,000 literal years over in the old Jerusalem, but, once again, that was already fulfilled when Christ ruled and reigned through the Christian churches during the Church Age to bring about the salvation of His people worldwide. Indeed, Satan was cast out of heaven and bound in the pit of this earth at the cross so that the Holy Spirit through Christ's disciples would be able to take the gospel to every nation. That was not possible during the Old Testament because Satan was not at that time yet bound in the pit of this earth, and he had not yet been cast out of heaven where, from the beginning, he had earned the right to rule over this earth when he had deceived Eve, who then also gave the forbidden fruit to her husband, Adam, and he also ate, which caused the fall of this earth and humankind, and it also gave Satan the right to rule over this earth from heaven. But Satan lost his right to rule over this earth from heaven at the cross, and so he was cast from heaven

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to be bound in the pit of this earth for 1,000 years (a number that is not to be taken literally, but it symbolizes the completeness of years from the cross to the spiritual end of the Church Age on May 21,1988 - see Revelation 20:1-8 ), and his being cast from heaven and bound on this earth greatly limited his powers so that the Holy Spirit through men and women could spread the gospel worldwide without Satan being able to keep it from happening. O yes, he could go about as a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour, but he was no longer able to keep the gospel from spreading throughout the earth as he could during the Old Testament period, no matter how hard he tried. Every time he stopped the gospel in one place by persecuting the Christians, the gospel always sprang up more fervently in another place. Satan could not keep up with it all, being bound on earth and no longer in heaven.

But then, God released Satan from being bound in the pit of this earth on May 21,1988 to use him to bring Judgment against His own Christian Church as the counterfeit Christ, the true Antichrist that was prophesied to come (also called the Man of Sin or the Abomination of Desolation) who was then revealed by Holy Scripture to have been given rule in and over all the Christian churches worldwide to deceive them and be worshipped by them without them even knowing beginning on May 21,1988, and unless those in the churches had received His Mark (the Mark of the Beast) during the Great Tribulation that came on May 21,1988 and went to May 21,2011, they were not able to buy or sell in the churches (Revelation 13:15-17). No, the Mark of the Beast was not some physical

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1,000 literal years. But, as already mentioned, the 7-year tribulation is a false teaching and so is the future so-called 1,000-year literal reign of Christ from the old physical city of Jerusalem. Both the Great Tribulation and the 1,000-year reign of Christ have already been fulfilled, not in the old Land of Israel, but in the new Land of Israel and Judah, which has been all the Christian churches worldwide. And, as far as the battle of Armageddon is concerned, we are told by all the false prophets that this battle is yet to come. But, the truth is that the battle of Armageddon already began against all the Christian churches and this whole world (both now called Babylon because Satan rules over them both), which is a battle, not yet to come against the old nation of Israel in the old Land of Israel as all the false prophets and teachers declare, but it is a battle of the kingdom of Satan (this world and all the Christian churches included ever since the Holy Spirit had left them during the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011) against God and His true people, the true Israel, namely all those elected through the faith of Jesus Christ who have departed out from all the Christian churches (see Revelation 16:13-16 ). This is also what Ezekiel chapters 38-39 are all about as well, not some future battle in the old nation of Israel, but a battle to do with the new Land of Israel that came into being after the cross during the Church Age, namely all the Christian churches worldwide. So, as usual, we see that most of the old ancient prophesies and teachings that pointed to the Endtimes have been already fulfilled in the Christian churches. These things are not yet to be fulfilled in the old nation of Israel, which God had divorced forever, but in the new Land of Israel, namely the Christian churches.

The only Endtime prophecy that I can think of that was fulfilled and had to do with the old Land of Israel was the fig tree parable that foretold the forming of the nation of Israel again on May 14,1948 as a sign that Christ's coming was then right at the door (see Matthew 24:32-33; Mark 13:28). Other than that, and the nation of Israel being cursed by God forever by Christ to further substantiate His forever divorce of them in a different fig tree parable (click on this link , then scroll down to the Fig Tree Parable subheading to read for the details), most all Holy Scripture that has to do with the Endtimes has already been fulfilled; not sometime in the future in the old Land of Israel, but in the new Land of Israel, all the Christian churches. They became the Holy Land and true Land of Israel ever since Christ had divorced and forsaken the old nation of Israel at the cross, forever, so that the wrath of God has now come upon them to the utmost. And the true people of God are no longer the nation of Israel, but they are all those who through the faith of Christ, whether Jew or Gentile, were eternally saved by the time when the many days of Judgment Day began on May 21,2011. And they are also those who obeyed Christ to depart out from all the Christian churches during the Great Tribulation to escape God's Judgment upon His own Christian Church. And ever since we have now departed out from all the Christian churches, they are no longer the Holy Land. The ultimate true Holy Land will next be where we dwell in heaven, which will be the whole new heaven and earth to be created for us on the soon to come Last Day of the many days of Judgment Day that we are now in.

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So, why should we not be looking for most of the Endtime fulfillment of prophecies to take place in the ancient land of Israel unlike so many of the churches, false prophets, and teachers say they will take place? Well, because the old Land and nation of Israel are not where the vast majority of the fulfillment of scriptures were to take place in these Endtimes. No, rather, they have almost all already taken place where the true Israelites in the faith of Christ, whether Jew or Gentile, dwelt through most of the New Testament period, namely in all the Christian churches where the true temple of David was already rebuilt during the Church Age. So, as many of the Christian churches look to the old land of Israel to discover how close we are to the end or to see prophecies being fulfilled, we, the true Israelites of God and Christians who have departed out from all the churches to obey our Lord, Jesus Christ, should not look to the old Israel, but to the new. As we do, we can see that virtually everything in scripture to do with the Endtime has already been fulfilled. Therefore, we can rejoice as the time for our translation into new incorruptible, glorious, and sinless bodies, and our translation into the new, to be incorruptible and glorious heaven and earth is right at hand. There is no seven years of the Great Tribulation yet to come that God's true people will be raptured out from, for the true 23 yearlong Great Tribulation, which was spiritual, already took place. There is no battle of Armageddon yet to come over in the ancient land of Israel, for that battle has been taking place spiritually ever since Judgment Day began on May 21,2011. It is the battle of the kingdom of Satan (this wicked world that includes the Christian churches

ever since Satan began ruling over them on May 21,1988) against the kingdom of God (Christ and the true Israelites, the eternal Church, who are the true Christians). There is no single man yet to arise who will be the true Antichrist, for the true Antichrist is Satan himself, and he already came and was revealed to be ruling in and over the Christian Church ever since God's Judgment came upon all the Christian churches worldwide on May 21,1988. No, there is no fulfillment of Holy Scripture if the old Jewish temple is somehow rebuilt, for the true temple was already completed on May 21,2011 with the last of God's true people, who are the true temple of God, then having been eternally saved. Moses and Elijah are not going to return to evangelize the nation of Israel to save a multitude of Jews that the whole nation of Israel will come to recognize Christ as their Messiah. No, there is no Golden Age yet to come for the nation of Israel, for God had divorced them forever at the cross, and now, God's wrath is upon the whole nation of Israel to the utmost until it is completely destroyed before or on the Last Day. There is no literal 1,000-year reign of Christ from Jerusalem yet to come, for that 1,000-year period was symbolic of the completeness of years from the cross in 33 AD to the end of the Church Age on May 21,1988. The only Endtime theology that does not believe that is the Dispensational Premillennial Theology, which false teachings we have been focusing upon in this message. Yes, all those things are false teachings of the false pastors, teachers, evangelists, and false prophets of the Satan-ruled Christian churches of our day. Perhaps in another message we will speak

about some of the other false Theologies of the Endtimes and the Christian churches. Don't listen to them. Just as you can no longer listen to the mainstream media and reporting to find truth, so also, you can no longer find truth by listening to the Christian churches of our day. Depart out from them so that you will not continue being fed the strong delusion from God to bring Judgment against them. The Church Age already spiritually ended on May 21,1988, so you must not remain in any church, lest you worship the counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist (also called the Man of Sin), Satan himself, the Master Deceiver, who now rules in all the Christian churches worldwide without them even knowing it. He has never deceived before like this since he first deceived Eve in the garden of Eden. But his final End is now at hand! 

Now, until the next time, may Yahweh bless thee, and keep thee: Yahweh make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: Yahweh lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

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mark, card, branding, computer chip, or anything else similar to what the false prophets are still declaring and looking for, but it was a spiritual, invisible Mark that can only be seen in the spiritual realm, and it designates those ones who have it in the Christian churches as being unsaved and so of the devil. It was all the counterfeit Christians in all the Christian churches who received the Mark of the Beast. And, buying and selling in the churches has nothing to do with the buying and selling of goods or services. Rather, in the Bible, buying and selling is used as a figure of the sending forth and receiving of the gospel or God's word, as we will be beginning to learn in our next few studies of Revelation 13:15-17 during the few next weeks to come.

Therefore, during the Great Tribulation that already came and went, only the counterfeit Christians or unsaved people in the Christian churches (those who have the spiritual mark of the devil, Antichrist, or the beast who is the perfect counterfeit Christ) were able to bring forth their false gospels and teachings. The true people of God who were then still in the Christian Church for the first part of the Great Tribulation (those who did not receive the invisible Mark of the Beast, which, having not the Mark, designated them as being saved and of the true Christ), they could not bring forth the true gospel and teachings of God in the Christian churches any longer. Instead, being the true Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:7-10 , they were spiritually killed (silenced from ministry in the Christian churches as if they had actually been physically killed) in the Christian churches. So, once again, the fulfillment of scripture that foretold the Endtimes was already

accomplished in all the Christian churches, not yet to be fulfilled in the old physical nation of Israel sometime in the future, because the nation of Israel are no longer Israel. Yes, the new land of Israel after the cross in the New Testament period became all the Christian churches, for God had divorced the nation of Israel and will never return to them ever again to be their husband. Therefore, all those Old Testament prophesies about Israel in the Endtime do not refer to the nation of Israel, but to the New Testament Christian Church (the new Land of Israel and Judah) where the true Jews of God (the saved Christians, whether Jew or Gentile, who themselves are also the true eternal Church) once dwelt until they finally obeyed Christ, after God's Judgment had come against all the Christian churches on May 21,1988, to depart out from them all to escape His wrath upon them, for the Final Judgment on this world [had to] begin at the House of God (1Peter 4:17). And now, the Final Judgment on this world that first came upon all the Christian churches has also spread to the whole world ever since the many days of Judgment Day began on May 21,2011 to this very day and until the Last Day of Judgment Day when this world will be burnt up by fire and then recreated as a new heaven and earth where there is no longer any corruption, no sadness and sorrow, nor pain and death, unto all those in Jesus Christ, the true Israelites and Israel of God.  

But now, again, the false prophets and teachers tell us that after the so-called 7-year Great tribulation they wrongly say is yet to come, there will be the battle of Armageddon in the old ancient Land of Israel before Christ returns to rule the world from over in Jerusalem for
