Brother Mike Ministries

The many days of Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011!  
ETERNAL LIFE: No Longer Possible!! ***

Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil: and a wise man's heart discerns [will know] both time and judgment - Ec. 8:5

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with its capital being Samaria was destroyed by the Assyrians in 709 BC, and then the Southern Kingdom known as Judah with its capital being Jerusalem was first subdued by Egypt in 609 BC and then finally destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC (see Biblical Timeline of History ), and Israelites were taken captive into Babylon. 

So, why do I say all this? Well, the corporate Christian Church of which all Christian churches are a part (that is, the new Israel) has been and is still being destroyed for the same reason as ancient Israel was destroyed. In fact, what happened to ancient Israel was a type or foreshadow of what would happen in the Latter Days to the new Israel (all the Christian churches). Just like ancient Israel, the Christian churches have set up High Places in their midst. In fact, I have never been in or seen a Christian church that did not have at least one High Place. Indeed, most of the time, they have had several or even many High Places. And remember, High Places are where false gods or idols are being worshipped instead of just the one and only triune God, Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. What I am saying is that the Christian churches have idols that they worship right in their midst, and this is why God's Final Judgment began at the House or Temple of God on May 21,1988 by giving them over to their enemy, the counterfeit Christ and Antichrist , Satan himself, along with all his demons and counterfeit Christians of the nations or gentiles, to spiritually destroy them from within, which is why all God's true people, the only Eternal Church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against, were called out from the Christian churches to be purified outside of the Church until the appearing of our Lord on the Last Day

May 21,2011, for during the Latter Rain, the seed of the salvation of Jesus Christ was then cast out into the entire world for the last time, and all the Great Multitude of God's remaining Elect who were in the world fully swallowed that seed, who is Christ, which immediately brought forth the roots of salvation in their souls and has sprouted forth to become that Great Multitude of God's people who were saved out from the Great Tribulation as described in Revelation Chapter 7 . That Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011, as we know, was completely spiritual in nature with the counterfeit Christ, THE ANTICHRIST (also called the Man of Sin, the Beast, the Little Horn, or the Abomination of Desolation), Satan Himself, having been revealed by scripture and seated to rule in the corporate Christian Temple or House of God to bring God's Final Judgment against them due to all their High Places of Idol Worship where they have been worshipping idols to give warrant for their complete spiritual destruction by the deceiving hand of their enemy. 

Now, we first read about High Places in the Old Testament. They were places, for instance, on a hill or mountain under a tree or in a garden where the Israelites would bow down to worship false gods or idols. Even though they were only to worship at the tabernacle and then what finally became the temple in Jerusalem, they liked the false gods of the nations or gentiles in their midst and around them, so they would set up these High Places to worship their false and foreign gods. But Yahweh had warned them if they did such evil things, He would destroy them, and He finally did destroy them by giving them over to destruction by the hand of their enemies. The Northern Israelite kingdom known as Israel

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of this world (see Why leave all churches? ). Indeed, if you are still in a Christian church, you are participating in their idolatry and worshipping the beast, who is the counterfeit Christ, THE ANTICHRIST (called the Man of Sin or Son of Perdition as well as the Beast, the Abomination of Desolation, and the Little Horn), yes, the devil himself who was released from the pit by God on May 21,1988, which he had been bound in at the cross , to be revealed by Holy Scripture and seated in the Temple of God (the corporate Christian Church) as God's Judgment against His own Church (Listen to 2Thessalonians 2:1-11 ). As it is written in 2Thessalonians 2, 

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God [the Christian Church] , shewing himself that he is God

But now, because the devil was given rule over the corporate Christian Church throughout the Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011, and ever since then, Christ has allowed Satan to continue ruling in the corporate Christian Church as His doubled Judgment against them, which corporate Christian Church, therefore, continues to be Babylon the Great, the mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth, God says the following about Her in Revelation Chapter 18

5 For her sins [the sins of the corporate Christian Church] have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities [Remember, God first brought His Judgment against the Christian Church throughout the

23-year Great Tribulation from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011].
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double [Give her double punishment for her sins. And since she, the Christian Church, was first punished during the Great tribulation for 23 years from May 21,1988 to May 21,2011, could double this 23-year punishment mean another 23 years of punishment from May 21,2011 to May 21, 2034 AD? If so, then the end of the world could very well then be in the year 2034 AD].
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen [Those who are in the Christian churches are blindly saying in their hearts, I am the wife and so Queen of King Jesus and am, therefore, saved], and [I] am no widow [Jesus Christ, my husband, has not died and left me alone, so I am not a widow lacking salvation. In other words, those in the Christian churches are blindly saying in their hearts, I am saved or on the way to being saved and cannot possibly be under God's wrath, but they actually are under His wrath, and they are not saved], and shall see no sorrow [they think, I will not come under God's wrath even though they have come under His wrath]. 

So, the Lord is giving the corporate Christian Church, that Great Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth, double punishment according to her evil works. But what were her evil works that resulted in her being punished double? Why we already said, it was due to all her High Places of idol worship, just as

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ancient Israel was destroyed due to her High Places as a type of what would happen to the Christian Church. And yet, the High Places in the corporate Christian Church are somewhat different. The idol of worship or High Place in a Christian church is any doctrine, tradition, or practice that is declared and held to be the very teaching of God even though it is not. For instance, let's consider the Reformed Churches first, such as the Orthodox Presbyterians and many other Reformed Churches whose Confession has been the Westminster Confession of Faith. Overall, it is one of the better Statements of Faith in the Christian world, and many of the Reformed Churches hold to it. But it is not perfect by any means, for, as one example, it declares that there is a legitimate biblical reason for divorce in a Christian marriage. And not only for divorce, but also for remarriage when the truth is God's word gives no legitimate reason for divorce and remarriage as long as each spouse is still alive (see Divorce, the Big Lie! ). Indeed, there are almost no Christian churches these days that hold to the truth of absolutely no legitimate reason for divorce in a Christian marriage. In fact, most evangelical churches hold to there being more than just one legitimate reason for divorce, and once divorced by the public pagan courts, which God never gave any legitimate power to end a Christian marriage, they have allowed for remarriages even when the spouse of the one that remarries is still alive, and even though Jesus taught that such behavior is adulterous. Thus, many of the Christian churches in the world have been supporting adultery, and this false teaching has become a High Place of idol worship in the corporate Christian Church because what has been being taught and practiced by many of the

churches is not of God but a lie of the devil. Regardless, they think it is the very word of God, and believe me, they have twisted the scriptures to be able to so think. 

Another example of High Places in many of the Christian churches is the teaching that our culture is different than when the Apostles were alive; therefore, women no longer need to obey the command to not teach or usurp authority over a man in the Christian Church and community (1Timothy 2:12). Of course, that is a lie, but nevertheless, many Christian churches have been allowing women to teach over Christian men in Sunday School classes, in church members' homes, in church services where God commands them to be silent and inquire of their husbands at home (1Corinthians 14:34), and many churches have been allowing women to be Elders or Bishops or Pastors or Deacons against the clear teaching of God (1Timothy 3:1-13). Therefore, these false doctrines and practices have become High Places of idol worship in many of the Christian churches to pollute the corporate Christian Church and incite God to wrath against it. 

Now, we could easily write large books to describe all the various High Places found in the Christian churches because of all their false teachings and practices, but my purpose here is to simply reveal why God's Judgment had to begin at the corporate House or Temple of God (1Peter 4:17): it was because of all their idol worship taking place by lifting up false teachings, traditions, or practices as being from God when they were not from God. Take as another example of a High Place in many of the Christian churches, the false teaching and

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practice of Infant Baptism. This High Place has been a part of many churches for hundreds and hundreds of years. Both the Catholics and the Reformed Churches have held to this teaching, but both of them are wrong. The Catholics teach that Infant Baptism wipes away that child's original sin while the Reformed Churches teach that it makes the child a member of the new covenant family or community like circumcision made the ancient Israelites members of the old covenant family or community. As I stated, both are incorrect, but the Catholic teaching is the most abominable. Yet those of the Reformed persuasion are now looking down on me because most of them believe that God teaches Infant Baptism in holy scripture. Nevertheless, I know how to refute their view because I went to a Reformed Seminary and had to face it head on. The truth be told, before I even went to seminary, God had revealed to me in scripture that Infant Baptism was false, and the seminary's stance only solidified my understanding even more. But my Biblical stance against the High Places of Infant Baptism closed the door on me for any future ministry in most of the Reformed Churches, except the very tiny denomination of Reformed Baptists. 

Anyway, due to all the idol worship in the Christian churches, God's Final Judgment came upon the corporate Christian Church to which all Christian churches are a part beginning on May 21,2011. It is God's Final Judgment on His Church because His intent is to completely destroy all the Christian churches, except His Eternal Church that He has brought out from all the churches to be purified and prepared for His coming outside of and away from all the High Places that were polluting them, which are now

all the Christian churches, which are all now ruled over by the counterfeit Christ, THE ANTICHRIST , Satan himself. As it is written, 

Re v. 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues .

That call for all God's true people to depart out from their churches began on May 21,1988 when God's Final Judgment began at the House of God, and Satan gained complete rule over the corporate Christian Church by September 7, 1994. So, everyone still in a Christian Church are partaking of the Great Harlot's sins and are receiving of her spiritual plagues. And since the devil who is the King of Babylon is ruling the Christian Church, all who are in them are a part of Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, and Abominations of the Earth, which is the kingdom of Satan in this world. As God's true people followed Christ and the Holy Spirit to have departed out from their churches of High Places, the Eternal Temple of God, which are God's true people, is being purified and prepared as a bride is prepared for her husband, our Lord and all powerful God, Jesus Christ who we shall soon see face to face, to the glory of God the Father. 

Now, our current plan is to begin studies in Daniel 8 and then 9 with your battling in prayer for this ministry. So, focus on prayer, as we all wait to see what further truths are yet to come.

High Places!
The Christian churches are High Places!
By Brother Mike (Email 9-15-24; 31 minutes)

Note: you may miss out on some information if you do not listen to this study, but you only read it!

Brother Mike, called to be a Prophet, Priest, and King by the will of the Father through the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ. Grace and peace to all of us who are spiritually seated with Christ at the right hand of the Father; who are now spiritually ruling with Christ to bring and declare God's Judgment against the corporate Christian Church that all Christian churches belong to and against the whole world. We alone, as Saints of the Highest, have been chosen to judge the world (1Corinthians 6:2) in the sight of God as we help in every way possible in the declaration of God's Judgment against the Christian Church and the whole world in these Latter Days when God's Final Wrath on His Own Church and humankind began on May 21,2011 by the Son of God, who during the now ended Day of Salvation was the light of the world, but who on May 21,2011 was darkened (Matthew 24:29; Revelation 6:13 ; Isaiah 13:10 ), and the stars of heaven, who are God's Elect, fell from the heavens to the earth (again, Matthew 24:29; Revelation 6:13 ;
Isaiah 13:10 ) so that true eternal salvation is no longer shining forth by the Holy Spirit in any Christian church, nor in the entire world. No, instead, with God's Elect being the stars of heaven that fell to the earth, they are now bringing spiritual destruction

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to this earth in declaring God's wrath upon it immediately after May 21,2011 even as if the literal stars falling to the earth would have physically destroyed it. Yes, the gospel through the Holy Spirit is no longer shining forth through the Elect to the world for eternal salvations, and the Day of God's wrath, which consists of many days, has come, first spiritually, having begun on May 21,2011, and then His wrath will come physically on the soon to come Last Day of this world when God's wrath will be completed by the physical destruction of this earth in fire and by the eternal death of Satan, his fallen angels, and all the billions of humans who have the spiritual Mark of the Beast , namely all who were not written in the Lambs Book of Life from before the world began (all you who don't accept that God predestined particular people to salvation are rejecting the very word of God, and therefore, God Himself, and you have likely been misled in a false gospel; or you just need to read the Bible). And this destruction of the earth with the wicked fallen angels and all the unsaved is all likely to take place any day now, likely by the year 2035 AD. Indeed, at this time, we are not certain, but it appears that most of the evidence seems to point to the year 2034 AD, but this is not yet for certain, so it could take place any day now. But will the Lord find faith on the earth when He comes? This infers that true faith will be quite rare when He appears, so be careful what you believe, for we live in the Day of the greatest deceptions and lies, and these are right in the corporate Christian Church as well as in the world.

Yet, even though the gospel by the Holy Spirit is no longer shining forth to the world, Yahweh did save a Great Multitude of souls during the Latter Rain from September 7,1994 up to when the many days of Judgment Day first began on