Brother Mike Ministries

The many days of Judgment Day began on May 21, 2011!  
ETERNAL LIFE: No Longer Possible!! ***

Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil: and a wise man's heart discerns [will know] both time and judgment - Ec. 8:5

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Stand Firm
By Brother Mike (12-22-24; Emailing)

Brother Mike, called and chosen by Jesus Christ for these Latter Days to reveal His Judgment against His once own corporate Christian Church, which all Christian churches are a part, ever since May 21,1988 and to this very day, and to reveal the many days of the Day of the Lord ever since May 21,2011 and to this very day, which is His Judgment against the whole world. And to encourage His true people who have long since departed out from the Christian Church to follow their Lord, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, and the true and only God, Jesus Christ, who the Christian Church and their counterfeit Christ, the Antichrist , Satan himself, were given power to trample underfoot for the counterfeit teachings and gospels of their counterfeit Christs or gospels that they continue to worship even to this very day while all yet believing they are following the true Christ because they preferred to believe a lie rather than the truth. Thus, God has sent them a strong delusion and has blinded them in chains of darkness until the Last Day of the many days of the Day of Yahweh when the devil and his host, and all those counterfeit and deceived Christians will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever, amen.
Indeed, as the thief comes in the night to break in, steal, and destroy, so also will that Last Day of the many days of Judgment Day come upon them as a thief in the night to break in, steal all that they thought they had, and then destroy them all forever. But you, brethren, are not in darkness that that Day should overtake you as a thief

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(1Thes. 5:4) although you know you have been in the Day of Darkness ever since May 21,2011. In fact, that is why we had obeyed Christ to leave our churches before Judgment Day began on May 21,2011; otherwise, we would be like them in believing a lie and so now be in darkness. But thanks be to God who had set us apart to be made ready as a bride for her husband outside of the camp. Even as our Lord was taken outside of the camp to make us perfect through His death and resurrection, so also, we have been taken outside the camp to be made holy until we will see Him as He is because we will be like Him (1John 3:2). 

So, stand firm in what you have learned and remain outside the Church, for God's wrath is upon them, and they have been blinded to the truths of the Latter Days. They still teach as if we are still in the Church Age when eternal salvation was still possible (they walk by sight and not by faith), but we know that is a lie of the devil who now rules over them in his attempt to change the times and laws (Daniel 7:25). As the Holy Scripture had declared, 

Rev. 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues .

And who is the "her" that we were commanded to come out of? Why it is that Great Whore, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth (carefully read Rev. chapter 17 ). That is, it is the corporate Christian Church of which all Christian churches are a part. That is the mystery that was hidden in ages past until we came near to the end
of the world like we did when approaching the spiritual end of the Church Age on May 21,1988 when God's Final Judgment began at the House of God (1Peter 4:17). 

I have been so busy with earthly things lately, so I look forward to being able to spend more time replying to emails as well as improving the website and doing more studies in the year to come as our Lord wills through your prayers. Look for my next study on Daniel 8 in the next number of days. You should receive an email when it is up! 

I love you all in Christ,
Brother Mike

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